Anil Kapoor has always been candid about his professional and personal life. The actor has gone through several ups and downs in his career, spanning more than four decades. Anil, in an interview at Ariel’s #sharetheload opened up on how his wife, Sunita Kapoor, supported him when he had no money. (Also read: Boney Kapoor says he’ll speak to Anil Kapoor and clarify if his ‘innocuous remarks’ upset him)
Anil recalls how wife financially supported him
Anil was accompanied by his daughter Sonam Kapoor as Neha Dhupia interviewed them. The actor said, “In my life, when I first met Sunita 50 years ago… When I met her, obviously, I was not doing very well financially. She would take care of a lot of things, and that’s how we shared the load. She stepped forward to share the load where money was concerned. It’s not only about doing household jobs.”
He also added, “There were times when I couldn’t afford certain things, but I didn’t have to tell her. She would automatically… travelling, going out for meals, sometimes we’d go to a normal restaurant, sometimes we’d go to a slightly better restaurant when we were dating each other. Automatically, she knows that of course I don’t have the money to pay the bill. So, she quickly slips some money out of her bag, and before I can come to know, she’s already paid the bill.”
Sonam teases Anil
said that her mother still pays the bills. Anil reacted to her remark and said that she was taking revenge. He then said that partners should share each other’s load in a relationship without making it obvious.
About Anil and Sunita
Anil and Sunita tied the knot on May 19, 1984. Their eldest daughter is Sonam, who made her debut opposite Ranbir Kapoor in Saawariya. Their younger daughter Rhea is a movie producer. While the youngest son Harshvardhan followed Sonam’s footsteps.
Anil was last seen in Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal and Hrithik Roshan-Deepika Padukone starrer Fighter.
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