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‘Average length of stay’ at hospitals are becoming shorter by the day | News


doctors, patients, medical, health, hospitals, coronavirus, plasma, covid, blood


A shorter length of stay will reduce the cost per discharge, and shift care from in-patient to less expensive and more patient friendly environments

Sutapa Ghosh, 74, was discharged from hospital on the fourth day of having a knee joint replacement surgery for both her knees at a Mumbai hospital. The patient was mobilised (made to walk) a day after her surgical procedure. Now a month later, Ghosh is able to walk without a stick. Even climbing stairs is a breeze for her now.

“Getting to eat home-cooked food so soon was such a relief,” says Ghosh, sporting a smile. “The pain management is much better than what I had expected,” the relieved elderly lady said. She was delaying her surgery for fear of pain.


First Published: Mar 25 2024 | 3:07 PM IST


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