Amid the growing anticipation for the live-action adaptation of the video game franchise Fallout, Prime Video has brought forward its release date. Originally, the TV series set in a post-apocalyptic America was due to premiere on Amazon’s streaming platform on Friday, April 12. However, it was later brought forward a day. Once again, the drama series is set for a new release date.
When will Fallout premiere on Prime Video?
With the latest change in its release date, Fallout is now scheduled to premiere on Prime Video on Wednesday, April 10 at 6 pm PT. Much to the fans’ delight, all eight episodes of the first season will be made available for streaming the same day. Additionally, a special live global fan premiere will also take place, where fans can interact with each other via a live chat and choose their faction.
What is Prime Video’s Fallout about?
Created by screenwriter Lisa Joy (Westworld) and film producer Jonathan Nolan (Person of Interest), Fallout is based on the long-running namesake game series by Bethesda. According to the official description, Fallout is “the story of haves and have-nots in a world in which there’s almost nothing left to have. Two-hundred years after the apocalypse, the gentle denizens of luxury fallout shelters are forced to return to the irradiated hellscape their ancestors left behind—and are shocked to discover an incredibly complex, gleefully weird, and highly violent universe waiting for them.”
Who stars in Amazon Prime Video’s Fallout?
The lead cast members for Fallout include Ella Purnell (Yellowjackets) as Lucy MacLean, Aaron Moten (Disjointed) as Maximus, and Walton Goggins (The Hateful Eight) as The Ghoul/ Cooper Howard. Other cast members include Kyle MacLachlan as Hank MacLean, Mike Doyle as Mr. Spencer, Johnny Pemberton as Thaddeus, Moisés Arias as Norm MacLean, Cherien Dabis as Birdie, Xelia Mendes-Jones as Dane, and Dale Dickey as Ma June, among others.
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