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Jonathan Glazer Talks Gaza In Oscars Speech


Batya Ungar-Sargon, the opinion editor at Newsweek, shared a similar opinion to McCain, tweeting the same clipped quote and adding, “I simply cannot fathom the moral rot in someone’s soul that leads them to win an award for a movie about the Holocaust and with the platform given to them, to accept that award by saying, ‘We stand here as men who refute their Jewishness.'” 

A New York Post columnist tweeted, “Jonathan Glazer, you can go fuck yourself and stuff your Oscar up your ass.” Former Anti-Defamation League director Abraham Foxman further posted, “As a survivor of the Holocaust I am shocked the director would slap the memory of over 1 million Jews who died because they were Jews by announcing he refutes his Jewishness. Shame on you.”


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