Madhya Pradesh has recorded its best ever increase in excise revenue this year. According to the data, additional revenue of Rs 1,561 crore will be received in the year 2024-25 as compared to the previous year. After the execution of composite liquor shops was done in 931 groups, revenue of Rs 13,914 crore was ensured, which is 12.63 per cent more than the revenue of Rs 12,353 crore received by liquor shops in the financial year 2023-24.
The state government released an excise policy for the financial year 2024-25 on February 8, 2024. In continuation, the execution process of all 3,600 liquor shops of the state was done through renewal/lottery and e-tender, in which the reserve price was determined by increasing the annual price by 15 per cent.
Only 3.7 per cent growth was achieved in the financial year 2023-24 from the disposal of liquor shops; whereas this growth was 11.5 per cent in the financial year 2022-23 and 9.06 per cent in the financial year 2021-22. This shows that the growth of 12.6 per cent achieved for the financial year 2024-25 is the highest in the last four financial years.
Considering the district-wise situation, Chhindwara stood first in the state with an increase of 20.81 per cent, Ujjain stood second with an increase of 20.73 per cent, and Barwani stood third with an increase of 19.66 per cent. Overall, there were 16 districts which had an increase of 15 per cent or more than the previous year.
First Published: Apr 09 2024 | 9:46 PM IST
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