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New Zealand joins US, UK in claims of China-backed cyber espionage | World News

Business Standard

[ad_1] Hackers linked to the Chinese government launched a state-sponsored operation that targeted New Zealand’s Parliament in 2021, the country’s security minister said on Tuesday. New Zealand’s allegation comes a day after US and UK authorities announced a set of criminal charges and sanctions against seven hackers, all believed to be living in … Read more

Nobel literature laureate Mo Yan accused of insulting China’s heroes | World News

Business Standard

[ad_1] His writing won China’s first Nobel Prize for Literature, but is it patriotic enough for Xi Jinping’s China? That’s the question at the center of a high-profile lawsuit now driving a debate about nationalism in China. Patriotic campaigns have become more common in recent years in China, as online nationalists attack journalists, … Read more

China’s Xi Jinping seeks to boost auto, appliance sales in consumer push | World News

Business Standard

[ad_1] The Chinese government seeks to boost the sales of traditional consumer products including cars and home appliances, state broadcaster CCTV reported, citing a meeting hosted by President Xi Jinping.   “Accelerating product renewal and replacement is an important measure to promote high-quality development,” Xi said in the central financial and economic meeting … Read more