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A tale of two farmer protests: Why 2020 agitation won a stupendous victory | India News


Farmers protest at Tikri border near New Delhi, on January 26, 2021 (left); Farmers protest near the Haryana-Punjab state border in Rajpura, Punjab on February 16, 2024


Farmers protest at Tikri border near New Delhi, on January 26, 2021 (left); Farmers protest near the Haryana-Punjab state border in Rajpura, Punjab on February 16, 2024

In November 2020, just when the winter chill was setting in around the National Capital of Region of Delhi, farmers from Punjab, Haryana, and some other states began to pitch their tents on the NCR borders after being denied entry into the capital. Their opposition to three new farm laws, driven by the fear that the Acts would dismantle the mandi system and take away their land, had brought them together.

Within months, the agitation grew in size and scope to encompass not only more farmers, but also civil society activists, poets, singers, and cine stars. Between November 2020 and

First Published: Apr 11 2024 | 12:48 AM IST


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